Find like-minded people for offline entertainment
uWeMe is a platform for connecting people with common interests
Find a buddy for a bike ride, concert, or ice skating
uWeMe is a platform for connecting people with common interests
Rich life around you
Let's go!
All social activities around you are marked on an interactive map
uWeMe is a platform for connecting people with common interests
Find like-minded people for offline entertainment
uWeMe is a platform for connecting people with common interests
Мобильная версия
Find a buddy for a bike ride, concert, or ice skating
Rich life around you
All events around you are marked on an interactive map
Let's go!
Discover online-participate offline
Make new friends, subscribe to interesting users with whom you want to spend time together. Stay up to date with all the interesting social activities on the platform and live life to its fullest!
Find friends
uWeMe is not a dating app
No user photos – only animated avatars. Users are connected based on their common interests, not looks.
We help you to extend your social circle by adding soulmates. Connect online, engage face-to-face!
Our intelligent algorithms analyze your online activities and suggest the best matching groups
Striving to go back to normalcy and enjoy your life to the fullest? You're not alone!
Has your social circle shrunk? University friends and buddies are always busy with some stuff? Childhood friends got a family and children? Colleagues WFH? We have a solution for you!
Download the app and pick live activities that are right for you!
uWeMe: your entertainment is on us!
Design: Lenar Nabiev
Join, create, go out!
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